Recruiting campaigners to win the biggest climate fights in the world

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I worked with Climate Imperative Foundation Executive Director Bruce Nilles to help build the team who would lead efforts to answer the world’s biggest climate questions. These initiatives are structured as campaigns to inform the most important policy decisions, so who better to lead them than campaigners who know what it takes to win? Together we found inspiring leaders for initiatives focused on stopping LNG exports in the US, decarbonizing buildings, blunting new global coal development and electrifying transportation at all levels of the system.

Why I love this team: They’re bringing high leverage relationships, collaboration and a campaign mindset to philanthropy in fresh and strategic ways. The impact of the grantee partners is what they want to shine – and they’re working intentionally to dismantle the traditional power dynamics between funders and grantees.

“Cathy led the searches for many of our senior roles as we launched Climate Imperative. We keep going back to Cathy because she shares our deep commitment to running a broad and inclusive search process to find us the very best candidates. She sets clear expectations up front, keeps us updated and engaged throughout the process, and doesn’t quit until an offer is made and accepted. For all these reasons we also recommend her to our partners whenever they need help with recruitment. – Bruce Nilles, Executive Director