Cathy Schreiber

What I stand for

Our economy is rooted in extraction – of people and the earth – with few people benefiting financially, politically and socially from the suffering and exploitation of the majority. The people and institutions that are committed to righting these wrongs are under-resourced and frequently burnt out. This undermines their ability to be strategic and to sustain the effort required to achieve justice. 

While fighting seemingly intractable issues, leaders and organizations struggle to focus, to attract the financial resources they need to be effective and to recruit and retain the best possible people and partnerships needed to advance their missions. This is where my team and I step in.

What I love to do

Over the course of my career, I've sat in every functional seat inside a nonprofit business – with strategy, operations, fundraising and partnership as the throughlines. I know what it means to run an organization well, so I connect dots and integrate coaching into all of my engagements. I love working with clients deeply over time, from strategic planning and organizational design to talent planning and search. I help expand capacity in the short term in order to build lasting organizational strengths.

What grounds me

Originally from Stockton, California, I’m the product of California public schools, including the community college system and UCLA where I earned a BA in political science. Though grateful for this world-class education, my most treasured learning started around my family’s kitchen table as the youngest of eight kids, with animated conversations about politics, community and current affairs. I learned my work ethic from my parents and gained “on the job” training, starting with a paper route I shared with my twin brother. I live in San Francisco with my wonderful husband, three energetic sons and a border collie mix named Oreo.
